foundational sp burntracks emtional | Phoenixfire
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Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Vitality Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

This track is different from all the others. 

It is not phoenix fire creating a transformation. It is just the energy of vitality.

It's purpose is to give you the vitality you need to make the transformation you desire. 

Most experience exhaustion while going though intense changes with the tracks due to release their shadows and rapid new cell production. This will ease that cycle.




Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Indomitable will

Indomitable Will



Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 


(directions given to the phoenix force)

You have absolute belief and you have an indomitable will.

your determination is unstoppable.

you can accomplish anything through my sheer force of will.


absolute willpower.

absolute  levels of tenacity and perseverance.


 resolve and steadfastness is absolute.


Unwavering purpose.

unwavering  resoluteness.

immune to subordination manipulation.

immune to telepathy.


 immune to mind control.

immune to all temptations.


Immune to outsiders thoughts and feelings- stay centered in true alignment

Absolute and perfect ability transcendence

Use sheer will to push my abilities beyond their natural limits.

Your  indomitable will provides you with self-power augmentation.

You create anything at anytime with my indomitable will. 

Absolute alignment with your Self Power and True Power

Use will to unlock true power potential 

You can manifest anything instantly and perfectly

With sheer will you manifest anything instantly and perfectly 


faith in yourself

You 100% believe you can manifest anything instantly and perfectly and you do.

Through absolute faith in self you manifest anything instantly and perfectly. 

You master any power you unleash in yourself

You manifest self transcendence.

You have limitless potential and limitless power

Absolute Vitality 

You are always victorious due to your willpower and conviction

You are always victorious due to yourself faith and belief.


Unlock Pyrokinesis



Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Pyrokinesis Burnlines


(the directions given to the Phoenix Force)




old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


deep close connection and relationship with fire.

Intuitively know and understand all elements of fire

Able to fully communicate with all elements of fire.

Have supernatural power pyrokinesis.

Supernatural ability of firebending.

Have supernatural power agni kinesis.


Fully mastered pyrokinesis


Intuitively know how to use pyrokinesis

Supernatural fire element control.

Master  ignikinesis and flame manipulation abilities.

Master of fire release and katon abilities.

Easily create manipulate and shape fire.

Master of combustion and exothermic reactions.

Complete fire immunity.


Complete fire invulnerability.

Body completely fire-proof.

Hair and skin completely fire-proof.

Complete  heat immunity.

Master of flame shield.

Master ability to use flame shield to protect people from fire.

immune and invulnerable to extreme heat.

Master of combustion inducement.

With my mind I can make any matter combust and burst into flames.

Master  fire generation.

Master of pyrogenesis and fire creation abilities.

Generate fire using the power of your mind.

Master of pyronegation

Easily negate cancel and extinguish any fire you choose.

Master incineration.

Incinerate anything using the power of your mind.

Master of fire attacks.

Master of  fire projection and fire techniques.

Master of pyrokinetic combat abilities.

master of pyrokinetic combat.

For defensive purposes master of  expanding fire bolts and fire wave emission.

For protection master of  fire blast and omni-directional fire waves.

For combat master of fire ball projection and fire hand blasts.


Master of  fire beam emission and flaming surface abilities.

Master of flame solidification.

Master of  creating a solid flame through my flame hardening abilities.

Master of  pyrokinetic constructs.

Master of  transforming fire into weapons tools and armor.

Master of pyrokinetic Flight.

Master of fire flight and can easily fly using the power of fire.


Master of  pyrokinetic surfing.

Master of  fire surfing and can maneuver and surf on your generated flames.

Master of  fire augmentation.

Master of fire amplification abilities.

Master of fire aura.

Complete ability to use flame aura as a powerful source of protection.

Master of fire empowerment.

Ability to use the power of fire to enhance my body and abilities.

Master of firestorm creation.

Use the power of my mind to create conflagrations and infernos.

Master of pyrokinetic healing.

Use my healing fire ability to heal myself and others.

Have powerful healing flame and pyrokinetic recovery abilities.

Master of pyrokinetic regeneration.

Powerful pyro regeneration and fire regeneration abilities.

Complete ability to  fully regenerate body using the power of fire.


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting to have full spectrum pyrokinesis abilities 


Supernatural intuition on how to use pyrokinesis abilities


Absolute belief and faith that you have pyrokinesis abilities



Any blocks to 

Any dimensions that you don't have

Any time tracks you don't have these abilities

Any data that says you don't have these abilities

Any constructs where you don't have these abilities

Any dna or genes that say you don't have these abilities

Any memories that say you don't have these abilities

Doubt of these abilities

Fears of these abilities 


Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming Burnlines


(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


All beneficial results from all burn tracks are permanent 


Protected by authentic Archangel Michael during astral travel

Easily travel to etheric retreats of ascended masters

Full conscious control of astral body


Full control of when travel and when awaken


Optimal awareness of astral body

Optimal ability to move awareness in and out of body


Optimal ability to use senses when astral project

Astral travels always have optimal safety

Master of astral projection.


Absolute ability to remember astral projection journeys fully

When Astral Body travels your conscious awareness is with it.

Conscious connection and relationship with Astral Body.

When my body needs to rest my Astral Body stays home so I can rest.

When my body needs to heal my Astral Body stays home so I can heal.

When my body needs to upgrade my Astral Body stays home so I can upgrade.

Astral Body is infused with intelligence and wisdom.

Recognize and discern what is real and true in the Astral Realm.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral agreements made willingly or unwillingly.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral agreements made implicitly or explicitly.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral agreements made consciously or unconsciously.

I negate revoke and dispel any Astral agreements and any Astral obligations.

I negate and revoke any counterparty copies, backups, or duplicates of any Astral agreements and any Astral obligations.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral constructs within my sovereign energy in any form.

I dispel and dissolve any detrimental Astral constructs within my sovereign energy.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral implants within my sovereign energy in any form.

I dispel and dissolve any detrimental Astral implants within my sovereign energy.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral overlays within my sovereign energy in any form.

I dispel and dissolve any detrimental Astral overlays within my sovereign energy.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral imprints within my sovereign energy in any form.

I dispel and dissolve any detrimental Astral imprints within my sovereign energy.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral programs within my sovereign energy in any form.

I dispel and dissolve any detrimental Astral programs within my sovereign energy.

I negate and revoke consent for any detrimental Astral energies within my sovereign energy in any form.

Negate and revoke consent for anything detrimental from the Astral Realm within my sovereign energy in any form.

Ability to dispel and dissolve anything detrimental from the Astral Realm within my sovereign energy.


Anything of yours in astral realm healed, cleansed, purified

Anything of yours in astral realm returned to you

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of any detrimental Astral implants.

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of any detrimental Astral overlays.

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of any detrimental Astral imprints.

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of any detrimental Astral programs.

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of any detrimental Astral energies.

My Astral Body is purified and cleansed of anything detrimental from the Astral Realm.

My Astral Body is healed and recovered from any Astral injuries.

My Subconscious Mind is healed purified and cleansed of anything detrimental from the Astral Realm.

My Energy Field is healed purified and cleansed of anything detrimental from the Astral Realm.

Ability to recognize the difference between a subconscious dream and an Astral experience

Protected against feeling anything that is not in my best interests to feel.

Mind open and aware of higher planes of consciousness.

Optimal calmness, focus, safety

Optimally prepared for astral projection

Optimal enjoyment of astral projection

Astral projection easy and natural for you

Absolute belief and gratitude for  ability to have  OBE



Any astral agreements that aren't for highest good 


Any astral contracts/obligations that aren't for highest good 


Any copies, duplicates, backups, or form of astral agreement that is not for highest good


Astral implants


Astral overlays


Astral imprints


Astral programs


Astral energies 


Anything detrimental from astral realm


Lucid dreaming is being consciously aware you are dreaming 


Lucid dreaming is being in full control of your dreams


When sleeping brain has optimal theta waves for lucid dreaming


When sleeping brain has optimal delta waves for lucid dreaming


When sleeping brain has optimal gamma waves for lucid dreaming


When sleeping brain peaks at 40hz if optimal for lucid dreaming


During sleep the frontal and frontolateral areas of brain optimally engaged for lucid dreaming


Absolute ability to induce lucid dreams instantly


Absolute ability to be fully aware when dreaming instantly


Absolute ability to do as you please in a dream


Absolute ability to affect your 3d reality through your lucid dreams when you desire


Lucid dreaming instant, easy, natural


Inducing lucid dream instantly, easy, natural


If optimal for lucid dreaming, enter hypnagogia  state at will 


Absolute mastery of hypnagogia state 


Absolute mastery of lucid dreaming


Absolute mastery of inducing lucid dreams


Absolute intuition on how to use lucid dreaming for optimal benefit


Absolute intuition on how to lucid dream


Absolute ability to induce lucid dream by  saying “dream now”


Absolute ability to leave lucid dream by saying “wake now”

Fully aware you are dreaming when dreaming


Dream world is vivid and detailed 


Dream world is as realistic as 3d world

Full mastery over dream world 


Complete intuition and wisdom on most optimal use of dream world 


Complete intuition and wisdom on most optimal use of lucid dreaming


Unlimited creativity in dream world 


Unlimited ability to problem solve in dream world 


Unlimited ability to manifest instantly in 3d from lucid dream when desired

Absolute ability to remember dreams


Absolute ability to remember lucid dreams

Mastery of self-dream manipulation

Mastery of controlling own sleep


Fall asleep at will 


Wake up at will


Absolute ability to lucid dream without sleeping


Absolute ability to to lucid dream at will, awake or asleep 

If optimal for lucid dreaming I awaken out of sleep every 4 hours 


Any doubt of lucid dreaming

Any data says can't lucid dream

Any time tracks can't lucid dream

Any dimensions can't lucid dream

Any contracts against lucid dreaming

Ay constructs prohibit lucid dreaming

Any traumas or emotional blocks to lucid dreaming

Any memories of not being able to lucid dream

unlocking magical abilities

Unlocking Magical Abilities




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!


Unlocking Magical Abilities Burnlines


(directions given to the phoenix force)



You wield magic for the highest good of all

You have completely mastered wielding magic 


You are mastering wielding magic wielding

All the beneficial gifts and abilities of a true Mage/magician/Witch


Only connect to True energies that benefit magic wielding at  highest vibration.

Know and understand True Source derived energies 


100% ability to focus energy to create magic and full desired results


Immune to false energies

Intuitively recognize any false energies and respond appropriately

Accept the responsibilities and gifts of being a being a powerful magic wielder


Aligned and connected with only the authentic arcane and modern magic channels


100% capable of tapping into arcane magical techniques 


100% capable of tapping into arcane magical abilities


100% capable of tapping into the secrets of arcane magic 


100% able to wield magic 


100% mastred magic wielding 


100% ability to absorb this energy to get your desired results easily and efficiently

You get full, fast, and consistent results from this energy imprint 


You get the exact full result you desire from this energy imprint 


mastering inner magic and abilities. 

Magic generation (to generate magic)


-Magic energy manipulation


-Mastering alchemy ,Magic casting and spell casting


Mastering your inner shaman/mage abilites

Your inner mage abilites are completely unlocked

You mastered your inner mage abilites 


Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Unlocking Precognition Abilities



Unlocking Precognition Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Clear visions of the future 


Clear understanding of what events will cause those visions 


Clear understanding of what actions will prevent those visions 


Full control over precog abilities 


Full control over when to have visions


Full control over what visions to have 


Full ability to ask for ‘visions that are important to know’

healing hands

Healing Hands



healing hands.jpg

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Healing Hands Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)



old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Absolute positive expectation


All beneficial changes are permanent from this track 


All beneficial changes are permanent from all burn track


Develop and manifest powerful healing hands


Powerful healing hands


Optimal DNA imprinting and coding to heal with hands 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting to release authentic healing energy from body through hands

Instinctively heal with hands

Healing ability with hands is instinctive and natural


Channel innate unlocked healing power 


Or universal authentic healing power- whichever is safest and more optimal

Optimally  absorb condense and emit healing energy through my hands into others.

Optimally absorb condense and emit light energy through my hands into others.

Absolute intuition on how to use healing energy

Use pure universal light and healing energies if authentic

Your life force always regenerated and is stronger than any protection


Immune to sickness, pathogens, harmful energies


Immune to psychic attacks
Absolute gratitude for healing ability

Absolute love for healing ability


Absolute intuition on when and how to heal

Healing touch restores and regenerates any biotic organism.

Touch optimally heals broken bones and restores them to their optimal form.

Touch optimally repairs and restores organs and tissues to their optimal form and function.

Touch optimally regenerates cells and molecules to their optimal form and function.

Touch optimally  regenerates and restores levels of vitality.

Healing touch destroys harmful pathogens.


Healing touch reverses disease.


Master healer

Your mental restoration abilities are natural and instinctual.

You easily heal mental trauma or disorders of others.


Touch optimally returns the mind a perfect healthy state.

Absolute ability to heal emotional dis-ease


Absolute ability to heal souls


Absolute ability to heal all physical damage


Absolute ability to heal all mental damage


Absolute ability to heal self 


Absolute ability to heal others



Regeneration Ability




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Regeneration Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Absolute positive expectation


Absolute control over absolute regeneration


Absolute ability to control regeneration ability


Absolute intuition on how to control regeneration ability


Absolute ability to regenerate when desired 


Absolute ability to regenerate only for optimal health 


Regeneration always allows optimal health production


instinctual ultimate regeneration


 complete regeneration.


Absolute regeneration


Absolute pain immunity

immortal regeneration 


perfect regeneration.


heal from any level of damage as long as there is one cell of me remaining.

brain cells have safe rapid ultimate regeneration 


brain optimal state of mind.

supernatural survivability and supernatural vitality.

Regenerate and heal safely, naturally, optimally 


Regenerate and heal instantly 


Absolute pain immunity

regenerate from bullet wounds, explosion wounds ,and knife wounds within seconds.

Optimally expel bullets shrapnel and harmful metals from my body within seconds.

optimally self-clean reseal and heal any bleeding damage at supernatural speeds to prevent any excess loss of blood.

blood regenerate optimal supernatural speeds 


full immunity from excess blood loss.

Optimal internal reinforcement and reinforced organs.

carotid arteries and jugular veins optimally enhanced  to provide full protection from cerebral ischemia.

laryngopharynx larynx and trachea optimally enhanced  to provide full protection from asphyxiation.

neck blood vessels and airway optimally enhanced to provide full protection from strangulation.


 body organs have absolute durability  with ultimate regeneration.

instinctual regrowth and organ regeneration.

Absolute ability to fully regenerate and regrow limbs and organs.

Absolute  limb regrowth and tooth regrowth abilities.

Absolute disease immunity including full immunity to natural diseases, man-made diseases, sexual diseases, and food-borne diseases.

Absolute contaminant immunity


Absolute health of immune system.

Absolute immunity to all venoms, toxins, poisons, allergens, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and parasites.

Absolute immunity to foreign chemicals including immunity to harmful potions.

Absolute telomere regeneration - always naturally and automatically restoring and maintaining optimal telomere length.

Absolute nerve regeneration and nerve cell regeneration


Indefinite optimal nerve health and function.

Absolute full nervous system regeneration and neural regeneration abilities.

Absolute regeneration and regeneration augmentation.

Absolute regenerative durability and durable regeneration.

Absolute indestructible bones and an unbreakable skeleton.

Absolute explosion immunity, impact immunity, sensory attacks immunity, temperature immunity, and weapon immunity.

Absolute weather adaptation and environmental adaptation.

Absolute reactive adaptation and instant adaptation.

Optimal instinctive spontaneous adaptation and reactive evolution abilities.

power immunity and am immune to any harmful effects and attacks from supernatural powers and superhuman powers.

power invulnerability with full immunity to all harmful powers and attacks.

Through power immunity receive full beneficial effects from supporting and healing powers.

absolute invulnerability and am fully and completely immune and invulnerable to any type of damage.

omni-protection and omni-resistance and am protected from all forms of harm and damage.




Get Adamantium Strength Bones - Proto-Adamantium Skeleton


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Absolute positive expectation


bones fully healed and rejuvenated to perfect health.


Absolute health of bones

bone marrow is fully healed and rejuvenated to perfect health.

Absolute health of bone marrow

bones have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium.

bones have Proto-Adamantium strength and durability.

bones have all  beneficial qualities of Adamantium.

bones have  all the beneficial qualities of Wakandan Vibranium.

bones developed all optimal Proto-Adamantium qualities

Proto-Adamantium like  bones allow for absolute bone health and function

Absolute indestructible bones

bones can safely absorb and dispel unlimited amounts of kinetic energy.

bones are invincible and invulnerable.

bones are bullet-proof and nuke-proof.

bones  have Proto-Adamantium like strength.

bones  have Proto-Adamantium like durability.

bones have all  beneficial qualities of Wakandan Vibranium.

Bones gained absolute health in optimal safe way


Bones gained Proto-adamantium like qualities in optimal safe way

skull and cranial bones have beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium

facial bones have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium now.

vertebral column and vertebrae have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium now.

sternum has all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 

ribs and rib cage have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 

upper arm clavicle scapula and humerus bones have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 

lower arm ulna and radius bones have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 

hands carpals metacarpals and phalanges have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 

hip bones have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium 


 leg bones femur patella tibua and fibula have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium now.

feet tarsus metatarsals and phalanges have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium now.

All the bones have  Proto-Adamantium strength and durability 

the bones of have all the beneficial qualities of Proto-Adamantium now.

All the bones have all the beneficial qualities of Adamantium now.

All the bones have all the beneficial qualities of Wakandan Vibranium now.


Unlock Psychokinesis




Coming Soon!

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Psychokinesis Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Queens Never Die

Queens Never Die




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Queens Never Die Burnlines

Immortality - Beauty - Intelligence - leadership skills- combat skills & more

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Your mind accepts this as done now. You have transformed NOW to these things.
Your mind lets go of the illusion of time
Your mind lets go of fear
Your mind lets go of an idea of a power outside of self
You are God and you shall give Glory to no other!


supernatural personal drive, charm, charisma 


supernatural level queen attitude, elegance and grace


supernatural air of mysterious


Supernatural Beauty


Can connect to sacred feminine instantly and fully when desired


Perfect desired Queen attitude, energy and persona


Supernaturally attractive, feminine, and Queenly body language 


Supernaturally attractive, feminine, and Queenly mannerisms


Supernaturally beautiful: body, face, hair


Entire being supernaturally beautiful


Supernaturally beautiful voice 


Supernaturally charming voice


All your accents in any language are supernaturally attractive and charming


 ultimate cosmic feminine beauty 


Absolute abundance 


Absolute wealth

Absolute success and victory 


Absolute self belief and faith

Absolute courage 


Pure fearlessness

Absolute harmony and joy


Supernaturally photogenic


Your entire being is now at supernatural level

Supernatural condition

Supernatural invulnerability 


Supernatural regeneration


Supernatural strength, stamina, endurance, speed, agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, flexibility


Supernatural mimicry and muscle memory

Master all combat types


Your entire body, being, and systems have upgraded optimally and safely to supernatural level-- which is a step above peak human level. 

Phenomenal and perfect leadership abilities 


Absolute honesty 


Absolute integrity 


supernatural tactic making, planning abilities.


Supernatural levels of psychic and empathic abilities


Fearless leader. 


Absolute self confidence 


Supernatural communication and speech skills 


Mastered ability to empower others to the absolute best version of themselves 


Supernatural creativity and innovation skills


Absolute ability to know the right path, take the right path and lead others to the right path with correct mindset


Absolute ability to  inspire self and others to achieve their goals and desires 


Supernatural Good luck and supernatural harmony


My DNA has optimally and completely transformed to make me a supernatural Queen 


Absolute acceptance of these transformations

Delete all fear and doubt and accept and allow full transformation


All vital energy, nutrients, and energy needed to make full transformation instantly and harmoniously


Absolute ability to accept all desired transformations as permanent


DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural feminine beauty
DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural intelligence

DNA code and sequence upgrades to epic leadership skills
DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural condition
DNA code and sequence upgrades to perfect muscle memory and mimicry 

DNA code and sequence upgrades to upload perfect execution of all combat skills

DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural charisma

DNA code and sequence upgrades to absolute youth

Kings Rule Forever

Kings Rule Forever




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Kings Rule Forever Burnlines

Immortality - Beauty - Intelligence - leadership skills- combat skills & more

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Supernaturally charismatic and charming

supernaturally handsome,charming, charismatic

Supernaturally handsome and magnetic body language and expression

Kingly mannerisms, body language, and expression

supernaturally charismatic and charming accent

speak in any language with supernatural charisma and charming accent

Epic leadership abilities and skills

unbreakable and invulnerable Transcendent personality

ultimate cosmic male beauty and handsomeness

supernatural personal drive and personal charm

embodiment of charisma and charm

Ultimate masculine expression, charm, features, and mannerisms

supernaturally handsome,charismatic, attractive eyes and eye shape

Unlocked Supernatural masculine beauty for all features and physique

Supernaturally charismatic, attractive, masculine, charming masculine voice.


Absolute wealth and success

Absolute Victory

Exact physical body type you desire and better

Supernaturally photogenic

Transform to desired height 


Absolute youth


phenomenal leadership skills
Absolute integrity
Absolute honesty
Absolute confidence and self-assurance
Absolute belief in yourself and those you rule
Absolute commitment to your goals
Absolute commitment to the goals that better the lives of those you rule
Absolute passion as your place as King
Absolute passion for your "kingdom"
Phenomenal communication skills
Absolute ability to be accountable for actions
Absolute ability to be able to delegate perfectly
Absolute ability to empower others
Phenomenal creativity and innovation skills

Ability to lead any people of any mindset
Ability to lead any people to any life they desire
Ability to inspire people to their greatest potential
Acute compassion and mercy ability
Absolute ability to make decisive and victorious decisions
Absolute ability to only act from inspired action.
Inspired action is the action of truth and not manipulation
Absolute ability to bring wealth, happiness, and victory to all those you rule


Absolute self belief and faith

Absolute courage 


Pure fearlessness

Absolute harmony and joy


Supernaturally photogenic


Your entire being is now at supernatural level

Supernatural condition 


Your entire being is now at supernatural level

Supernatural invulnerability 


Supernatural regeneration


Supernatural strength, stamina, endurance, speed, agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, flexibility


Your entire body, being, and systems have upgraded optimally and safely to supernatural level-- which is a step above peak human level. 


Supernatural mimicry and muscle memory

Master all combat types


DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural masculine beauty
DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural intelligence

DNA code and sequence upgrades to epic leadership skills
DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural condition
DNA code and sequence upgrades to perfect muscle memory and mimickory 

DNA code and sequence upgrades to upload perfect execution of all combat skills

DNA code and sequence upgrades to supernatural charisma

DNA code and sequence upgrades to absolute youth 

self belief

Absolute Self Belief




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Absolute Self Belief Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

This is different from the other tracks in that it only has one burnline focused on over and over and that is: 

Deleting anything but absolute belief in self 

And you emerging as the version of self that has absolute belief.

Absolute Oneness

Absolute Oneness



Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Absolute Oneness Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

This is different from the other tracks in that it only has three burnlines focused on over and over and that is: 

Absolute oneness 

Absolute oneness with all desires 

Ability and awareness to recognize oneness with all things


Absolute Harmony 




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Absolute Harmony Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

This is different from the other tracks in that it only has three burnlines focused on over and over and that is: 


Absolute harmony with self and life


Absolute harmony with friends and co-workers and everyone in life


Absolute Harmony with money and success

Absolute harmony with love

Absolute harmony with Joy

remove ai

Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

AI & Negative Influence Removal



AI removal Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

Everything has: old beliefs/data/constructs/time tracks/contracts/dimensions/fears/doubts/traumas 

Deleted, uncreated, and destoryed in all space, time, and reality


If its a positive statement its any of the things above that would prevent it from coming true


Everything: in all space, time and reality


All AI and ID interference in all space and time

all nanobots in all space and time

all cause and effect from AI an ID interference in all space and time

Purified astral body

all false overlays, implants, illusions, programs, false constructs, and false aspects

all crystallized emotions 

all newly released emotions from those crystallized emotions

all restrictive agreements: oaths, agreements, contracts, and bonds  

all negative influences including: curses, demons, entities, negative thought patterns, other peoples karma and negative thoughts and intent


what was birthed:

the version of you that is sovereign and free in all space and time 

The version of you that is sovereign and free from all AI/ID interference 

The version of you that has all authentic and genuine aspects and abilities back (and unlocked) cleaned and whole-- this now includes soul fragments

the version of you that is now at a beneficial vibrational state in all space and time

soul retriveal

Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Soul Retrieval



Coming Soon!

This track does not have burnlines as I do not use phoenix force in it. It's soul retrieval with traditional shaman methods.

inner child
child .jpg

Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Inner Child Healing



Inner Child Healing Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Birth trauma


Womb trauma


Pre Birth trauma


All trauma from all past lives


All trauma from this life


All negative karma accumulated in past lives


All negative karma accumulated in this life


World debt


Land debt


Other peoples, places, or beings traumas that they put on you or you adopted 


Other people, places, or beings karma that they put onto you or you adopted


Any emotional, physical, sexual abuse, mental traumas or abuse from 




From mother


From caregiver 


From siblings


From authority figure


From peers


Any messages, imprints, memories, cultural and social conditioning that did not align with your inner truth, your highest authentic self, inner purpose 


Any time tracks, old data, constructs, dimensions that do not align with your inner truth, highest authentic self, and inner purpose


Any events, circumstances, messages of not being in control of own life, 

your choices were taken away, 

Not being allowed to express inner truth and true self

Your inner truth and authentic self were denied, shamed, belittled, devalued

Any ___ where you were told you were 


Not worthy


Not good enough


Not smart enough


Not good looking enough

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