beauty & youth burntracks | Phoenixfire
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feminine beauty

Supernatural Feminine Beauty



feminine beauty.jpg

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Supernatural Feminine Beauty Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, spirit,  to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love for


Supernatural beauty


Ultra feminine face and body.

High feminine cheekbones.

Cheekbones are supernaturally beautiful.

Cheekbones are ultra feminine.

Slim defined feminine jawline.

Jawline and chin are supernaturally beautiful.

Jawline and chin are ultra feminine.

Slim feminine face.

Facial features are supernaturally beautiful.

Facial features are ultra feminine.

Extremely feminine face shape.

Perfect full lips.

Full plump feminine lips.

Lips are supernaturally beautiful.

My lips are ultra feminine.

Youthful even glowing skin.

Skin is supernaturally beautiful.

Skin is ultra feminine.

Small feminine nose.

Nose is supernaturally beautiful.

Nose is ultra feminine.

Feminine porcelain-looking skin.

Narrow feminine shoulders.

Shoulders are supernaturally beautiful.

Shoulders are ultra feminine.

Supernaturally beautiful hourglass figure.

Hourglass figure is ultra feminine.

Breasts are supernaturally beautiful.

Breasts are ultra feminine.


Tiny slender feminine waist.

Waist is supernaturally beautiful.

Waist is ultra feminine.

Curvy feminine hips.

Hips are supernaturally beautiful.

Hips are ultra feminine.

Round perky muscular butt.

Butt is supernaturally beautiful.


Butt is ultra feminine.

Straight long feminine legs.

Legs are supernaturally beautiful.

Legs are ultra feminine.

Eyes  exactly how I desire.

Incredible stunning feminine eyes.

Eyes are supernaturally beautiful.

Eyes are ultra feminine.


Big beautiful feminine eyes.

Eyes are extremely alluring.

Eyes are extremely seductive and sensual.

Eyes are the most attractive size and shape.

Extremely long thick eyelashes.

Eyelashes are supernaturally beautiful.

Eyelashes are ultra feminine.

Extremely thick dark limbal rings.

Limbal rings are sexy and incredibly beautiful.

Limbal rings are supernaturally beautiful.

Limbal rings are ultra feminine.

Irises exact color I desire.

Supernaturally beautiful attractive sexy eye color.

Irises are supernaturally beautiful.

Irises are ultra feminine.

Sclera is perfectly white beautiful and flawless.

Sclera is supernaturally beautiful.

Fingernails exactly how I desire.

Most healthy strong feminine fingernails.

Fingernails have natural white tips.

Supernaturally beautiful fingernails.


Fingernails are ultra feminine.

Toenails exactly how I desire.


Toenails are beautiful and feminine.


Toenails have natural white tips.

Supernaturally perfect toenails.

Toenails are ultra feminine.

Hair is exactly how I desire.

Hair exact desired color.

Head hair grows at supernatural speed to optimal length


Absolute ability to turn hair growth off at optimal length 


Absolute ability to turn supernatural speed of hair growth back on when desire

Most attractive feminine hair.

Exact hair length I desire

Exact hair texture I desire

Supernaturally beautiful hair.

Hair is ultra feminine.


Hair is perfect sexy and healthy.

Hair is extremely glossy smooth shiny and silky.

Hair is always soft and manageable.

Silky smooth laid attractive baby hairs.

Full head of thick hair on my scalp.

Supernaturally beautiful hair makes me look exotic.

Flawless bouncy flowy hair.

Fully moisturized hydrated healthy scalp.

Grow luscious voluminous healthy strong hair.

Incredibly strong and durable hair.

Scalp has the perfect oil production amount for my hair.


Hair attracts admiration from all who see me.

Hair attracts love and desire.

Hair always smells feminine and beautiful.

Supernaturally beautiful body scent.

Natural body scent is ultra feminine.

Natural body scent is incredibly seductive and mesmerizing.

Natural body scent is sexy and flowery.

Always look perfect elegant and graceful.

Supernatural beauty is incredibly seductive.

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for supernatural beauty


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for ultra feminine embodiment

Ultimate femininity.

Ultimate beauty.

maculine beauty

Supernatural Masculine Beauty



male beauty.jpg

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Supernatural Masculine 

Beauty Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love 


Supernatural beauty is optimal aesthetics and body chemistry for ultimate masculine embodiment


Absolute connection to divine masculine sacred masculine


Supernatural embodiment of sacred masculine archetype and divine masculine 


Supernatural embodiment of optimal and natural alpha male 


Face of supernatural beauty 


Face is masculine and rugged

Eyes are masculine and extremely attractive.

Nose is masculine and extremely attractive.


Cheekbones are masculine and extremely attractive.


 Lips are masculine and extremely attractive.

Jawline is masculine and rugged.

Jawline is chiseled and extremely attractive.

Perfect sized chiseled jaw for masculine beauty

Jaw is incredibly masculine and attractive.


Strong squared chin.

Chin is incredibly masculine and attractive.


 Jaw and chin are the most attractive masculine size and shape.

Supernaturally attractive masculine-faced man.

Face has overt masculinity.

Protruding prominent supraorbital brow ridge.

Deep masculine eyes.

Eyes are the most attractive masculine size and shape.

Eyes are incredibly masculine and attractive.

Eyebrows are the most attractive masculine size and shape.

Eyebrows are incredibly masculine and attractive.

Nose is the most attractive masculine size and shape.

Nose is incredibly masculine and attractive.

Facial features are hyper-masculine.


High masculine cheekbones.

Cheekbones are incredibly masculine and attractive

Mouth and lips are incredibly masculine and attractive.

Lips and mouth are the most attractive masculine size and shape.

Attractive masculine forehead.

Forehead is incredibly masculine and attractive.

Ears are the most attractive masculine size and shape.


 Ears are incredibly masculine and attractive.

Deep masculine voice.

Voice is incredibly masculine and attractive.


Face has the most attractive masculine width.

Face width is incredibly masculine and attractive.


Body fat percentage is  12 percent or less.

Face has the most attractive masculine symmetry.

Face has the most attractive masculine proportions.

Extremely attractive masculine skin tone.

Strong and confident masculine personality.

Fully masculine bone structure.

Face shape is fully masculine.


Facial features are fully masculine.

Ultimate masculinity.

Full head of hair.


Hairline is the most attractive masculine ideal.

Hairline is extremely attractive and masculine.

Facial hair is the most attractive masculine ideal.

I grow extremely masculine facial hair.

Masculine attractiveness is irresistible.

Masculine attractiveness is incredibly seductive.


Entire body is the epitome of ultimate attractive masculine


Entire body embodies masculine supernatural beauty


Supernaturally attractive man.

Epitome of male attractiveness.

Facial features are supernaturally perfect.

Body is supernaturally perfect.

Supernaturally attractive skin.

Skin is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive facial hair.


Facial hair is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive back.

Back is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive shoulders and arms.

Shoulders and arm are the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive wrists and hands.

Epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive abdomen.

Abdomen is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive penis.

Supernaturally perfect penis for sexual pleasure

Penis is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive scrotum and testicles.

Scrotum and testicles are the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive butt.

Butt is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive thighs and calves.

Thighs and calves are the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive ankles and feet.

Ankles and feet are the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive body musculature.

Body musculature is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive shoulder to hip ratio.

Shoulder to hip ratio is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive waist to hip ratio.

Waist to hip ratio is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive safe low body fat percentage.

Body fat percentage is the epitome of male attractiveness.

Supernaturally attractive masculine body scent.

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for masculine supernatural beauty


Supernatural masculine beauty is irresistible 


Supernatural masculine beauty is stunning and alluring 


Absolute ability to embody and carry sacred masculine archetype



Excess fat from face



absolute youth
youth 2.jpg

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Absolute Youth



 Absolute Youth Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

** A new track has been added to to this original one. It focuses on the following information: 

7 Pillars of Aging:


Shrinking Tissue: Stem Cell Slowdown

Mitochondrial Mutations: Damage to Mitochondria 

Zombie cells: Senescent Cells

Cellular Straight Jackets: Extra Cellular Matrix Stiffening 

Extracellular Junk (Outside Cells): Cellular Waste Products (M-Loid)

Junk Buildup Inside Cells: Intracellular Aggregation

Telomere Shortening: DNA Cap Shortening


Hormesis and Autophagy (body self cleans cells) together are 2 very important ways in which you protect the DNA in your cells from damage


What causes all 7:
Loss of DNA/genetic information

DNA- every cell knows how to stay young 

By accumulating damage to the message/info it holds 

It then replicates the damage over and over and cant stay young


Original Burnlines: 

Telomeres optimal length for absolute youth


Telomeres optimal length for absolute and optimal health


Telomeres absolute ability to replicate completely each time cell divides


Absolute and optimal ability of DNA to replicate optimally and indefinitely


Optimal and absolute ability for cells to divide optimally indefinitely


Absolute control over DNA replication and telomere length


Absolute control over life span


Absolute control over aging


Optimal B vitamin folate for optimal  DNA integrity and DNA methylation


Optimal D3 for optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Optimal zinc for optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Optimal iron levels optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Optimal omega-3 fatty acids for optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Optimal vitamin c for optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Optimal vitamin for optimal function and health of DNA and telomeres


Absolute optimal function of telomerase for absolute youth


Optimal telomeric repeats at end of DNA for absolute youth


Optimal genomic stability


Absolute genomic stability


Telomerase optimally lengthens telomere to optimal length for absolute youth


Optimal protection of chromosomes


Optimal production, health, and function of Mesenchymal stem cells for absolute youth


Optimal stem cell production


Optimal health of stem cells


Absolute stem cell production


Optimal function of stem cells


Body uses stem cells optimally


Optimal function and health of bone marrow


Optimal and absolute ability of bone marrow to produce blood cells


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal health of elastic fiber networks


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal levels of elastin and collagen for perfect youthfulness and health


Optimal levels of elastin for tight youthful skin


Optimal levels of elastin for optimally functioning and healthy skin


Optimal collagen levels for tight youthful skin


Optimal collagen levels for optimally functioning and healthy skin


Optimal strength of collagen for tight youthful skin


Epidermis optimal function and  health


Dermis optimal function and health


Hypodermis optimal function and health


Subcutaneous fat optimal function and health


Skin on entire body optimal tightness, youthful and attractive


Optimally functioning elastic fiber networks


Optimal health of all elastic fiber networks


Optimal integrity of all elastic fiber networks


Optimally functioning elastic fibers


Optimal resilience and flexibility to tissue for perfect youthfulness and health



All loose skin

All stretch marks

All disruption in elastic fiber networks

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal antioxidant production


Absolute optimal antioxidant production


Absolute optimal skin thickness


Absolute ability of cells to produce antioxidants- glutathione


All molecules have optimal electron pairs


Always enough antioxidants to fight oxidants


Always enough antioxidants produced to correct free radicals


Always optimal amount of antioxidant production for constant stability of molecules



Free radicals

Unstable molecules


Thin skin

Not optimal skin thickness


Damage done from free radicals


Optimal iron levels in blood for youthful and healthy skin around eyes


Optimal health of liver for youthful and healthy skin around eyes


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for youthful  and optimal pigmentation around eyes


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal tight and smooth skin under eyes


Optimal muscle strength of muscles around eyes


Optimal tissue strength of tissue around the eyes


Optimal vascular movement under eyes


Optimal thickness of skin for even and healthy pigmentation under eyes


Optimal elastin under eyes


Optimal elastin in eyelids


Brilliant youthful skin around eyes


Brilliant youthful eyes


Eyes always look energized and refreshed


Eye fat pockets  shrunk to the most youthful attractive size


Excess skin around eyes tightens and firms to optimal youthfulness


Elasticity full restored to optimal youthfulness


Always have tight perfectly toned skin around eyes


Eyelids and the skin around eyes fully rejuvenated and restored to perfect youthfulness.


Everyone that looks at you notices the youthful attractiveness of your eyes.


Absolute love for perfectly youthful eyes


Absolute gratitude for perfectly youthful eyes



Eye bags

Cause of eye bags

Dark circles under eyes

Swelling around the eyes

Any water retention under eyes

Excess fat in lower eyelids

Fluid retention

Genetics that cause dark circles around eyes

Genetics that cause allergies that cause dark circles around eyes

Malar mounds

Puffiness around eyes

Wrinkles around eyes

Loose skin around eyes

Remove Stretch Marks

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Remove Stretch Marks & Loose Skin



 Remove Stretch Marks & Loose Skin Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


All beneficial results from all burn tracks are permanent 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal health of elastic fiber networks

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal levels of elastin and collagen for perfect youthfulness and health


Optimal levels of elastin for tight youthful skin

Optimal levels of elastin for optimally functioning and healthy skin 


Optimal collagen levels for tight youthful skin 


Optimal collagen levels for optimally functioning and healthy skin

Optimal strength of collagen for tight youthful skin

Epidermis optimal function and  health

Dermis optimal function and health


Hypodermis optimal function and health


Subcutaneous fat optimal function and health

Skin on entire body optimal tightness, youthful and attractive 


Optimally functioning elastic fiber networks


Optimal health of all elastic fiber networks

Optimal integrity of all elastic fiber networks

Optimally functioning elastic fibers


Optimal resilience and flexibility to tissue for perfect youthfulness and health



All loose skin
All stretch marks
All disruption in elastic fiber networks

flawless skin

Flawless Skin




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Flawless Skin Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Everything: in all space, time and reality


Anything but Perfect and flawless skin


Anything but seductive and irresistible skin


Anything but beautiful and healthy skin


Perfect function of sebaceous glands

Skin pores perfect health, perfectly clean, perfect size 


Balanced, optimal functioning Digestion


Balanced optimal functioning Autoimmune system


Any allergies, sensitivity reactions give you acne or any skin reactions


Cleansed blood 


Optimal blood health, kidney and liver function


Perfectly balanced sebum production


Anything but supernaturally youthful and beautiful skin


Anything but supernaturally youthful and beautiful skin tone


Skin is restored and regenerated to perfection.

My veins are youthful strong and healthy with perfect blood flow.


Supernaturally beautiful skin entire body


Perfectly flawless skin entire body


Perfectly flawless skin 


All moles have fallen off



Blocks that cause moles

Emotional/energetic blocks





Imbalances that cause moles

Past life trauma cause moles

Past life karma cause moles

This life karma that cause moles


Time tracks





Any varicose veins 

Any spider veins

Any acne 

Any blackheads

Any whiteheads


Age spots

Stretch marks

Cherry angiomas


full & thick hair

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Full, Thick, & Healthy Hair



 Full, Thick, & Healthy Hair Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Natural Rapid Scalp Healing - Get Rid of Dandruff 


Everything has: old beliefs/data/constructs/time tracks/contracts/dimensions/fears/doubts/traumas/DNA/genes


Deleted, uncreated, and destoryed in all space, time, and reality

If its a positive statement its any of the things above that would prevent it from coming true


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute health of scalp


Complete Scalp skin tissue regeneration ability 


Complete perfect health and form of scalp 


Absolute health of scalp DNA code

Hair has keratin sheild protection or most optimal method to protect from heat and damage

Hair has complete protection from all elements and is fire proof 

Hair anti-static 


Flawless hair - free from frizz

Scalp has absolute and optimal hormonal, oil, nutritional balance.


(burn) all dandruff


(burn) all causes of dandruff

hair has self-regulating ionic shielding aspects while maintaining full hair volume.


Scalp of perfect youthful health 

Absolute health of dermis, epidermis and hypodermis skin layers on my scalp.

Absolute ability to produce special stem cells for regrowing my skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands on my scalp.


 scalp is highly resistant to irritations.

scalp is immune to pathogens and infection.

Any inflammation of scalp


Any scar on scalp

immune system, scalp, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sebum are working together in perfect harmony.

any blockages that affect my scalp.

Any harmful bacteria fungus and pathogens


Version of that is/has:


Absolute health of scalp


Complete Scalp skin tissue regeneration ability 


Complete perfect health and form of scalp 


Absolute health of scalp DNA code

Hair has keratin shield protection or most optimal method to protect from heat and damage

Hair has complete protection from all elements and is fire proof 

Hair anti-static 


Flawless hair - free from frizz

Scalp has absolute and optimal hormonal, oil, nutritional balance.


Sovereign and free from dandruff

hair has self-regulating ionic shielding aspects while maintaining full hair volume.


Scalp of perfect youthful health 

Absolute health of dermis, epidermis and hypodermis skin layers on my scalp.

Absolute ability to produce special stem cells for regrowing my skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands on my scalp.


 scalp is highly resistant to irritations.

scalp is immune to pathogens and infection.

Any inflammation of scalp


Any scar on scalp

immune system, scalp, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sebum are working together in perfect harmony.

any blockages that affect my scalp.

Any harmful bacteria fungus and pathogens


Grow thicker fuller hair


Stop Hair Loss - Reverse Receding Hairline and Prevent Baldness


Supernaturally Healthy Hair


Everything has: old beliefs/data/constructs/time tracks/contracts/dimensions/fears/doubts/traumas/DNA/genes


Deleted, uncreated, and destoryed in all space, time, and reality

(the method “delete, uncreate, destory” was created by Christie Marie. She uses it in a different way with her own energy but I use it with phoenix force. I like this method as it takes everything out from the root and also all the history and stories we have created around it) 


If its a positive statement its any of the things above that would prevent it from coming true


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute scalp health


Absolute hair health


Scalp DNA genetic code absolute health and perfection


Scalp DNA code programmed for thick full healthy hair 


Hair folicles perfect blood circulation and nutrtition


Scalp perfectly youthful and resilient


Superntarually attractive thick full hair 


Supernatural hair volume


Supernaturally strong hair


Complete full and supernaturally attractive 

Full eyebrow hair


Supernatural  shiny silky soft hair.


Hair thining

Weak hair

Non optimal DNA genetic code for hair health

Damage to hair shafts

Damage to hair follicles
Danage to sebaceous glands

Aging affects to hair or scalp 

Bald spots

Hair loss

Scalp imflamation

 split ends


Imbalances in phd or oil in hair and scalp


Absolute health of thyroid


Absolute harmony with thyroid and scalp and hair health


Desired hair color


Desired length and texture


Complete immunity to stress and aging


Perfectly youthfulness to hair and scalp

.absolute health of pituitary gland


Absolute health of adrenal glands

Absolute health of immune system


Absolute circulation to scalp


Absolute ability to absorb necessary nutrients for hair follicles and scalp

Supernaturally perfect youthful attractive hairline.

scalp and hair optimal levels of keratin.

scalp and hair optimal collagen and elastin.

hair and scalp DNA codes for full thick hair and supernaturally attractive hairline

DNA on chromosome 20 is coded for full thick healthy hair

DNA coded for  extremely strong resilient scalp.

DNA coded for  with extremely strong resilient hair follicles.

hair follicles have powerful tolerance to DHT.


 hair follicles are extremely resistant to DHT.

hair follicles have powerful tolerance to 5-alpha reductase.

hair follicles are extremely resistant to 5-alpha reductase.


Version of you that is/has:

Absolute health of hair follicles 


Absolute health of sebaceous glands


Absolute hair and scalp health


Supernaturally full thick healthy hair


DNA optimally coded for thick healthy hair


DNA optimally coded for supernaturally perfect hairline


Scalp DNA genetic code absolute health and perfection


Scalp DNA code programmed for thick full healthy hair 


Hair follicles perfect blood circulation and nutrition


Scalp perfectly youthful and resilient


Supernaturally attractive thick full hair 


Supernaturally strong hair


Absolute health of thyroid


Absolute harmony with thyroid and scalp and hair health


Desired hair color


Desired length and texture


Complete immunity to stress and aging


Perfectly youthfulness to hair and scalp

.absolute health of pituitary gland


Absolute health of adrenal glands

Absolute health of immune system


Absolute circulation to scalp


Absolute ability to absorb necessary nutrients for hair follicles and scalp

Supernaturally perfect youthful attractive hairline.

scalp and hair optimal levels of keratin.

scalp and hair optimal collagen and elastin.


DNA on chromosome 20 is coded for full thick healthy hair

DNA coded for  extremely strong resilient scalp.

DNA coded for  with extremely strong resilient hair follicles.

hair follicles have powerful tolerance to DHT.


 hair follicles are extremely resistant to DHT.

hair follicles have powerful tolerance to 5-alpha reductase.

hair follicles are extremely resistant to 5-alpha reductase.


Complete full and supernaturally attractive 

Full eyebrow hair


Supernatural  shiny silky soft hair.


Supernatural hair volume

remove body hair

Remove Body Hair




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Remove Body Hair Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute Readiness for change

Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes

Absolute permission and harmony with body to change

Absolute ability to upgrade and enhance DNA quickly 


Manifestation and maintenance of perfectly sculpted thick eyebrows 


Manifestation and maintenance of absolutely long curled eyelashes 


Manifestation and maintenance of absolutely long healthy head hair 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for inactive unwanted hair follicles 


Inactive unwanted hair follicles 


Inactive unwanted facial hair follicles


Inactive Jawline hair follicles 


Inactive Chin hair follicles 

Inactive Neck hair follicles

Inactive Armpit hair follicles

Inactive Arm hair follicles


Inactive Shoulder hair follicles


Inactive Chest hair follicles

Inactive Breast hair follicles 


Inactive Nipple hair follicles

Inactive Back hair follicles

Inactive Abdomen hair follicles

Inactive Pubic hair follicles


Inactive Perineal region hair follicles

Inactive Butt hair follicles


Inactive Thigh hair follicles

Inactive Knee hair follicles 


Inactive Leg hair follicles

Inactive Ankle hair follicles 


Inactive hair follicles on hips and waist

Inactive hair follicles on hands and fingers

Inactive hair follicles on feet and toes



Any unwanted, unattractive hair

Mustache hair

Beard hair

Jawline hair

Cheek hair
Chin hair

Neck hair

Armpit hair

Arm hair

Shoulder hair

Chest hair

Breast hair

Nipple hair

Back hair

Abdomen hair

Hair on hips

Hair on waist

Pubic hair

Perineal region hair

Butt hair

Thigh hair

Knee hair

Leg hair

Ankle hair

Hand hair

Finger hair

Feet hair

Toe hair


Full & Lifted Breasts




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Full & Lifted Breasts Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Big round lifted firm breasts of absolute beauty


Breasts have absolute beauty

Breasts are lifted youthful and perky and absolute beauty


Breasts are perfectly round and symmetrical.

Breasts are the most attractive desirable size

Breasts firm and orgasmic to the touch


Breasts inspire love and admiration when appropriate


Breasts cause absolute desire and raw passion from whom I choose


Breasts are gorgeous and have absolute seduction

Breasts have absolute perfection and embody the divine feminine


Breasts are stunning and jaw-dropping.

Breasts are sensational and awe-inspiring.

The breasts I have always desired.

Breast are round and perfectly shaped.

Skin on breast perfect and radiant

Nipples  most optimal size and color for absolute beauty

Nipples embody divine feminine and gorgeous.


Areolas  most optimal  size and color for absolute beauty

Areolas embody divine feminine

Areolas match gorgeously with  my breast size and shape.

Breasts are the most attractive size for my body frame.

Breasts are the most desirable feminine size and shape for absolute beauty


Breasts most optimal shape and size for absolute seduction

Breasts are voluptuous and sensual.

Breasts are shapely and sexy.


Breasts absolute cause absolute sexual attraction 

Breasts enchanting.

Breast tissue is perky firm and perfectly youthful.

Breast tissue has the youthfulness of a teenager.

Breasts absolute sexual allure sexually alluring.


Stretch marks


Hair on breasts and nipples


Heart Shaped Butt




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Heart Shaped Butt Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind and spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation


Voluptuous firm heart shaped butt of supernatural beauty


Butt causes automatic sexual attraction from those I desire 

Muscular lifted upside-down heart shaped butt


Perfect bubble butt shape 


Exact shaped butt you desire


Butt shapes and curves into an inverted heart shape

Butt is lifted muscular and toned.


Supernatural smooth and perfect textured skin on butt


Supernatural perfect firmness of butt

Butt is smaller at the top and gets larger near my thighs.

Tiny slender and toned waistline.

Curvaceous heart shaped butt embodies divine feminine

A-shaped butt that widens at my hip bones.

Heart shaped A-shaped butt gives me a gorgeous hourglass figure.

Butt is smaller at the top and wider at the bottom near my thighs.


Butt  is lifted and firm for supernatural sex appeal and beauty


Voluptuous sexy perfect heart shaped butt.

Bottom butt cheeks are lifted upward.

Bottom butt cheeks are fully lifted above my thighs.

Where my butt ends and thighs begin are clearly defined.

Bottom butt cheeks defy gravity and stay lifted and firm above my upper thighs.

Top of my butt has the most optimal feminine slope for absolute beauty

Butt perfectly round for supernaturally beauty

Midpoint of my butt is the roundest and fullest.

Butt is perfectly thick from midpoint to the bottom of my butt cheeks.

Heart shaped butt is mesmerizing and captivating.

Curvy heart shaped butt causes supernatural desire when you want

Supernatural beauty hourglass figure

Heart shaped butt goes perfectly with my wide curvy hips


Heart shaped butt matches perfectly to my body of supernatural beauty

Bottom curves of my butt cheeks are perfectly rounded.


Butt is shaped and curved into an inverted heart shape.

Butt perfectly curves to my outer hips.

Heart shaped butt is perky lifted and perfectly rounded.

Butt is fully toned and incredibly muscular.

butt is perfectly shaped and sized.


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for heart shaped butt


Optimal Dna coding and imprinting for butt of supernatural beauty


Optimal DAN coding and imprinting for butt with perfect youthfulness


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for firm, lifted full butt

Optimal  gluteus maximus for heart shaped butt of supernatural beauty


Optimal  gluteus medius for heart shaped butt of supernatural beauty

Optimal gluteus minimus for heart shaped butt of supernatural beauty

Optimal  hamstring muscles for heart shaped butt of supernatural beauty



Stretch marks


Any unattractive fat from my butt.
Any unattractive fat from my hips.
Any unattractive fat from my thighs.
Any cellulite on my butt or thighs 

seductive face

Irresistibly Seductive & Beautiful Face




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Irresistibly Seductive Beautiful Face Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


Large glamorous upturned eyes.


Big beautiful eyes 


Eyes have optimal upward slant for attractiveness

upturned eyes


Eyes most attractive desirable size and width.


Eyes have  most desirable and attractive prominence.


Supernaturally gorgeous shaped eyes.


Eye color is radiantly bright 


Eye color astonishingly beautiful.


 Irises are large and perfectly sized for optimal beauty


Sclera whites of eyes are  bright white.


Eyes are the most desirable and attractive color.


Eyes are most captivating and enchanting size and shape.


Eyes are dazzling and sparkly.


Eyes are seductive and irresistible.


Eyes are incredibly feminine and mesmerizing.


Stunningly gorgeous full dark eyebrows.


Eyebrows are perfectly positioned, shaped and sized.


Super long thick and dark black eyelashes.


Eyelashes are supernaturally beautiful.


Eyelashes are irresistibly seductive.


Nose is the most desirable and attractive feminine shape and size.


Nose has a perfect 106 degrees nasal tip angle.


Nose is irresistibly seductive.


Most desirable and attractive cheekbone prominence and position.


Cheekbones are stunningly beautiful and captivating.


Lips are voluptuous luscious and succulent.


Lips have an incredible cupid's bow that is perfectly shaped and sized.


Lips are sensual, seductive and alluring.


Lips are the most desirable and attractive feminine shape and size.


Lips are full plump and extremely desirable.


Lips are irresistibly seductive.


Lips are incredibly feminine and enchanting.


Perfectly straight white teeth.


Teeth are healthy, strong and sparkly white.


Jawline is supernaturally feminine and lovely.


 Delightful porcelain-looking skin 


Skin has enchantingly gorgeous undertone.


Skin looks stunningly flawless and air brushed.


Radiant skin has tiny pores that always stay clean and clear.


Perfectly clear complexion and baby smooth silky skin.


Skin is irresistibly seductive.


Supernaturally attractive and desirable.


Your beauty is legendary and renowned.


Your beauty is unforgettable.


Your beauty is irresistibly seductive.


You are sexy and seductive.


You are  good-looking and adorable.


You are charming and personable.


You are appealing and glamorous.


You are stunning and enchanting.


Your face stays forever youthful and attractive.


You always look your desired age


You always have the face and body of a youthful gorgeous beautiful teenager.

womens 22

Women's Forever 22




Women's Forever 22 Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, spirit, mind  to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love 


Absolute Positive expectation


Perfect youthfulness is  a  22-year old with eternal youth and supernatural beauty

Body of a 22 year old with supernatural beauty and perfect youthfulness.

Face of a 22 year old with supernatural beauty and perfect youthfulness.

Anything but: perfect youthfulness for your:

Perfect youthfulness  around eyes
Perfect youthfulness in eyes
Eyes have perfect youthfulness


Eyelids have  perfect youthfulness

Skin has optimal regeneration

All skin tissue fully regenerated to perfect and perfect youthfulness

Hypodermis regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Dermis and epidermis fully regenerates to perfect youthfulness

Absolute elasticity in my skin

Absolute elasticity restored to my skin tissues.

Body produces optimal amounts of collagen and elastin for perfect youthfulness

Skin is clear and my pores are small and clean.

Skin has absolute health

Body has absolute health

Mind has absolute health

All my energetic bodies have absolute health

All of you  has absolute health

Smooth soft flawless skin of supernatural beauty.

Hair follicles regenerated to perfect  and perfect youthfulness.

Hair shafts regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Bones regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

Muscular structure is regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

When people see me they think you look 22 years old.

Always look like I you are 22 years old

Strong  and slender young body with supernatural beauty and absolute health.

Absolute metabolism

Absolute digestion.

Eat anything you want and stay muscular and lean.

Only optimal fat for optimal health, beauty, and youthfulness

Chest and breasts are regenerating to perfect youthfulness.

All the tissue restored to breasts and more to make them perfectly full, lifted and possess absolute beauty.

Any excess or sagging skin is tightening and firming to perfect youthfulness.

Abdomen is restored  to perfect youthfulness .

Shoulders and arms are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Back and spine are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness.

Butt is fully regenerated  to perfect youthfulness

Hips are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Legs are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Every organ, tissue, gland and cell of my body is fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

Neck is perfectly youthful

Shoulders and arms are perfectly youthful

Breasts and back are perfectly youthful

Abdomen and waist are perfectly youthful

Butt and hips are perfectly youthful

Legs are perfectly youthful

Energy and radiance of a 22 year old

Perfect youthfulness of a 22 year old

Skin of of a  22 year old 18 yr old  with with perfect youthfulness

Face of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Neck of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Shoulders and arms of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Breasts  and back of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Abdomen and waist of a 22 year old  with perfect youthfulness

Hips and butt of a 22 year old  with with perfect youthfulness

Legs of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

(burn, delete, un-create, de-story any):

 Any and all physical aging past 22 years old
Anything that is not perfect youthfulness of a 22 year
All aging past 22 yrs old
Any aging past 22 yrs old for  face
Any aging past 22 yrs yrs old for skin
Any aging past 22 yrs old for  body 

Any effects of aging past 22 yrs old  for mind that dont serve my highest good

All wrinkles and age lines
All wrinkles, puffiness, and drooping eyelids
All wrinkles around eyes
All puffiness around  eyes
Dark circles around eyes
Drooping eyelids
Discoloration around  eyes
Discoloration on face
Smile lines

Scars and stretch marks from pregnancy and birth
Scar tissue

Any moles


forever mens

Men's Forever 22



forever 22.jpg

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Men's Forever 22 Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)



old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 

Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, spirit, mind to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love for


Perfect youthfulness is  a  22-year old with eternal youth and supernatural beauty


Perfect youthfulness is a 22 yr old male with fully developed hormones for optimal masculinity and youth combined. 


Supernatural beauty is optimal aesthetics and body chemistry for ultimate masculine embodiment


Absolute connection to divine masculine sacred masculine


Supernatural embodiment of sacred masculine archetype and divine masculine 


Supernatural embodiment of optimal and natural alpha male 

Body of a 22 year old with supernatural beauty and perfect youthfulness.

Face of a 22 year old with supernatural beauty and perfect youthfulness.


Absolute ability to maintain optimal hormone and all body chemistry and growth regardless of age association

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for perfect and optimal youthfulness for a man


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for supernatural masculine beauty

Anything but: perfect youthfulness for my

Skin on and around upper eyelid tight and has perfect youthfulness

Perfect youthfulness  around eyes

Perfect youthfulness in eyes

Eyes have perfect youthfulness

Eyelids have  perfect youthfulness


Skin has optimal regeneration

All skin tissue fully regenerated to perfect and perfect youthfulness


Hypodermis regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Dermis and epidermis fully regenerates to perfect youthfulness

Absolute elasticity in skin


Absolute elasticity restored to  skin tissues.

Body produces optimal amounts of collagen and elastin for perfect youthfulness

Skin is clear and my pores are small and clean.


Skin has absolute health

Body has absolute health


Mind has absolute health

All energetic bodies have absolute health

All of you  has absolute health

Smooth soft flawless skin of supernatural beauty.

Hair follicles regenerated to perfect  and perfect youthfulness.

Hair shafts regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Bones regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

Muscular structure is regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

When people see me they think I look 22 years old.

Always look like I am 22 years old

I have my exact desired body type with supernatural beauty and absolute health.


Exact desired body type

Absolute metabolism

Absolute digestion.

Eat anything I want and stay muscular and lean.

Only optimal fat for optimal health, beauty, and youthfulness

Any excess or sagging skin is tightening and firming to perfect youthfulness.

Abdomen is restored  to perfect youthfulness .

Shoulders and arms are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Back and spine are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness.

Butt is fully regenerated  to perfect youthfulness

Hips are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Legs are fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness

Every organ, tissue, gland and cell of my body is fully regenerated to perfect youthfulness and absolute health.

Energy and radiance of a 22 year old

Perfect youthfulness of a 22 year old

Skin of of a  22 year old  with with perfect youthfulness

Face of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Neck of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Shoulders and arms of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Chest  and back of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness

Abdomen and waist of a 22 year old  with perfect youthfulness

Hips and butt of a 22 year old  with with perfect youthfulness

Legs of a 22 year old with perfect youthfulness


Any and all physical aging past 22 years old
Anything that is not perfect youthfulness of a 22 year
All aging past 22 yrs old
Any aging past 22 yrs old for my face
Any aging past 22 yrs yrs old for my skin
Any aging past 22 yrs old for my body
Any effects of aging past 22 yrs old  for my mind that dont serve my highest good

All wrinkles and age lines
All wrinkles, puffiness, and drooping eyelids
All wrinkles around my eyes
All puffiness around my eyes
Dark circles around my eyes
Drooping eyelids
Discoloration around my eyes
Discoloration on my face

Scar tissue
Smile lines

Excess skin on my lower eyelids
Skin on or around lower eyelid tight and has perfect youthfulness
Excess skin on my upper eyelids
Any moles


Beautiful Feminine Nose




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Beautiful Feminine Nose Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for feminine nose 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for small beautiful nose


Thin nose


Feminine nose


Small nose 


Nose shape desirable


Nose size desirable 


Nose attracts immense amounts of desire 


Nose has enhance femininity


Nose has enhanced beauty

My nose is perfectly feminine thin and small.

Nose is irresistibly attractive and stunning

Perfect nose bridge 


Nose bridge optimal size and shape for feminine beauty

Glabella has optimal beauty and femininity

Nasofrontal angle has optimal beauty and femininity 

Nose frontal bone has optimal beauty and femininity

Nasal bone has optimal beauty and femininity 

Maxillary bone has optimal beauty and femininity 


Lateral cartilage has optimal beauty and femininity

Lateral surface of nose is flawless and perfectly beautiful.

Lesser alar cartilages  has optimal beauty and femininity

Greater alar cartilages  has optimal beauty and femininity

Alar furrow  has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose connective tissue creates  optimal beauty and femininity

Cartilage and connective tissue creates  has optimal beauty and femininity


 Limen vestibuli  has optimal beauty and femininity


 Nasion has optimal beauty and femininity


Rhinion has optimal beauty and femininity

Supra-alar crease has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose tip defining point has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose has an extremely attractive 106 degrees upturned nasal tip.

Alar-sidewall has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose supratip has optimal beauty and femininity


Infratip lobule has optimal beauty and femininity

Columella has optimal beauty and femininity

Nasolabial angle has has optimal beauty and femininity

Philtrum has optimal beauty and femininity

Philtrum has optimal beauty and femininity

Root and bridge of my nose has optimal beauty and femininity

Dorsum nasi has optimal beauty and femininity

The ala of my nose has optimal beauty and femininity

Apex of my nose has optimal beauty and femininity


 Nostrils has optimal beauty and femininity

Anterior naris has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose root has optimal beauty and femininity

Nose bridge has optimal beauty and femininity

Ala nasi has optimal beauty and femininity

Nasal septum has optimal beauty and femininity


Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Remove Cellulite



Remove Cellulite Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal collagen production and formation


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for skin, tissue, fat layers 


Collagen formation perfect

Skin epidermis has perfect form and function.

Skin epidermis is smooth soft youthful and firm.

Skin dermis has perfect form and function.


Absolute health of dermis


Absolute health of connective-tissue bands in the dermis


Absolute strength of connective-tissue bands in dermis

Skin dermis and corium are forever healthy youthful and balanced.

Dermis corium connective tissue is forever strong youthful resilient and balanced.


Absolute health of areolar layer 

Absolute health of epidermis


Absolute health of dermis 

Absolute health of subcutaneous


Dermis free from papillae adipose


Subcutaneous fat supernatural youth 


Subcutaneous fat supernaturally attractive appearance


Subcutaneous fat perfectly smooth


Dermis smooth firm flawless

Optimal subcutaneous fat structure for beauty and youthfulness

All skin and fat  perfectly smooth and youthful

Skin and underlying tissue youthful and beautiful

Skin strong and resilient 


Absolute immunity to cellulite

Absolute immunity to  papillae adipose.

Supernatural strength of dermis tissue layers

Optimal collagen levels for supernatural beauty and youthfulness 


Optimal elastic fibers for supernatural beauty and youthfulness

Optimal lymphatic system health and function

Epidermis dermis and subcutaneous fat have optimal  drainage and fluid movement abilities.


Cellulite quickly and easily disappeared

Subcutaneous fat beautiful smooth youthful feminine and attractive.


Adipose tissue is optimally balanced positioned and situated for the most beautiful smooth youthful feminine attractive appearance.


Papillae adiposae


Fat protrusions 

Fat pushing on connective tissue

Fat herniations

torquoise eyes

Get Turquoise Eyes




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Get Turquoise Eyes Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


All beneficial results from all burn tracks are permanent 


Optimal genetics for turquoise irises

Fully expressed genes for turquoise irises  


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for turquoise iris 


Optimal amount of pigment  for turquoise iris


Your proteins optimally create turquoise iris 


Stunning bright turquoise eye iris 

Your eyes bright and healthy 

Optimally think and dark limbal rings

Sclera and whits of eyes are bright and white

Eyes incredibly attractive and beautiful 


Optimal beauty of eyes


Optimal beauty in eyelashes 


Optimally think and perfect eyelashes 

upturned eyes

Exotic Upturned Eyes




Your Updated Burntrack Info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Exotic Upturned Eyes Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-storyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


Mesmerizing exotic eyes.

Eyes have an attractive positive canthal tilt.

The inner canthus of your eyes point slightly downward.

The outer corners of your eyes tilt upwards.


 Inner canthus is lower than outer eye.

Outer eye tilts upwards and is higher than your inner canthus.

Lateral canthus is higher than my medial canthus.

Lateral canthus is several degrees higher than your medial canthus.

Inner corners of  eyes are lower than the outer corners of eyes.

Outer corners of eyes are higher than the inner corners of  eyes.

Incredibly attractive positive canthal tilt.

Up-turned eyes are enchanting and alluring.

Positive canthal tilt is captivating and seductive.

Outer eye lateral canthus is tilted up-ward.

Outer eye lateral canthus is up-turned.


Youthful eyes


Attractive eyes

Lower eye lids perfectly balance your  positive canthal tilt.

Lower eye lids look incredible with your positive canthal tilt.

Lower eye lids have the most attractive angle.

Upper eye lids perfectly balance your  positive canthal tilt.

Upper eye lids look incredible with your positive canthal tilt.

Eye shape perfectly compliments your positive canthal tilt.


Facial structure perfectly compliments positive canthal tilt 


Facial structure is stunning with positive canthal tilt

Periorbital area is incredibly attractive.

Eyelashes are full and beautiful 

Brow ridge  perfectly compliments my positive canthal tilt.

Brow ridge incredibly attractive.


Lateral brow has the most attractive position and size.

Skin on my eyelids is fully rejuvenated to perfection.


All the bones around my eyes are  incredibly attractive.


Eye position and shape is incredibly attractive.

Eyebrows perfectly complement  positive canthal tilt.

Eyebrows are the  most attractive shape and thickness.

Eyes are incredibly seductive and exotic.


Eyes are incredibly mysterious and captivating.


Excess skin on upper or lower eyelids

Any excess skin around eyes
Upper eye lids have the most attractive angle.

rapid hair growth

Rapid Hair Growth




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Rapid Hair Growth Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


All beneficial results from all burn tracks are permanent 


Optimal dna coding and imprinting for fast hair growth 


Head hair is growing as fast as safely possible.


Head hair now grows at the fastest speed possible.


Head hair grows in full thick and voluminous.


Hair is growing in healthy and incredibly strong.


Head hair follicles are fully stimulated to grow hair faster.


Head hair bulbs are fully stimulated to grow hair faster.


Outer root sheath EGFR is fully stimulated to grow hair faster.


Outer root sheath cells are fully stimulated to grow hair faster.


Inner root sheath cells are fully stimulated to grow hair faster.


Head hair fibers are fully stimulated for growth and health.


Head hair shafts are fully stimulated for growth and health.


Head hair growth rate increases every time you listen to this track


Body  synthesized everything it needed for rapid hair growth.


Hair is growing in faster than ever before.


Hair is growing in healthier and stronger than ever before.


Hair is growing in thicker and more voluminous than ever before.


Gorgeous shiny silky soft hair.


Hair rapidly grows to my desired length.


Hair grew rapidly to desired length


Any split ends quickly heal and repair.


Split ends healed


Hair is fully rejuvenated and revitalized.


Hair line  transformed to my desired shape and position.


You have your desired hair line.


Bald spots of filled in with thick strong hair


Receded hair fully restored to full thick hair.


Hair is now growing extremely long.


Hair grew extremely long


You have full control of when hair growth stops and starts


Extremely long beautiful gorgeous hair.


Hair is silky soft and incredibly easy to manage.


Hair is extremely resistant to tangles and is easy to style.


Hair growth is healthy strong and incredibly attractive.


Hair growth is fully stimulated to grow at the maximum safe speed possible.


Hair follicles are incredibly healthy and durable.


Hair follicles are fully revitalized and rejuvenated.

Scalp has optimal nutrition and blood for fast growing hair


Scalp has all needs for rapid growth.


Full & Cupid Shaped Lips




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

 Full & Cupid Shaped lips Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body,mind, spirit to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation 


Optimal full lips for optimal femininity 


Optimal full lips for optimal sensualness 


Optimal full lips for optimal attractiveness


Optimal cupid’s bow shaped lips for optimal attractiveness


Optimal youthfulness of lips for optimal attractiveness


Optimal softeness of lips for optimal sesuality and attractiveness


Full plump sexy lips

Top lip almost equally as large as  bottom lip.


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for lips with optimal fullness for attractiveness


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for lips of optimal softness for attractiveness


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for lips of optimal sexiness
(your body wants to do this as it is the best way to carry on genes, which is its top priority)


Lips of exact shape you desire 


Lips of exact fullness you desire 


Lips embody feminine beauty 


Lips embody sexuality


Lips perfectly plump 


Lips desirable 


Lips inspire sexual arousal 


Lips gorgeous

Optimal collagen levels for full attractive lips 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal collagen levels in lips


Optimal tissue structure for full attractive lips

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for tissue structure of full attractive lips


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for youthful lips 


Optimal softness of lips for pleasure 


Lips always pleasurable to kiss 


Lips perfect shape and size both for kissing and optimal attractiveness


 Philtral columns and cupid's bow  perfectly complement full  plump lips.

My philtrum length has optimal beauty and youth

Upper vermillion border has optimal beauty and youth 

Upper cutaneous lip has optimal beauty and youth

The distance between my lip vermilion border and the base of my nose has optimal beauty

Oral commissures naturally has optimal beauty and youth

Lower vermillion border has optimal beauty and youth


Optimal lip color for attractiveness


Perfectly defined cupid's bow
Perfectly hydrated lips 

Perfect lip texture for optimal sensuality


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for deep defined cupid's bow

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimally sized and shaped lips for optimal beauty


Optimal sized and shaped lips for optimal beauty

Lips sultry and seductive


Lips gorgeous and stunning

Cupid’s bow lips have perfect depth

My cupid's bow has the perfect depth.

Optimal lip color for optimal attractiveness


Skin around my lips are healthy and youthful.


Any wrinkles around mouth 

Skin around my lips radiant and gorgeous.

Skin around lips flawless and perfect.

almond eyes

Large Almond Shaped Eyes




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Large Almond Shaped Eyes Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

big beautiful gorgeous almond shaped eyes that possess absolute beauty.

large almond shaped eyes are stunning and alluring.

Shape of my eyes fit perfectly with structure of my face

Absolute symmetrical

big almond shaped eyes have a perfect most attractive feminine upward tilt.

almond shaped eyes have the most attractive beautiful tilt.

almond shaped eyes are the most attractive gorgeous size.

large almond shaped eyes have the perfect most attractive prominence.

big almond shaped eyes are enchanting and mesmerizing.

Absolute love for  almond shaped eyes of absolute beauty

Absolute gratitude for my almond shaped eyes of absolute beauty

big almond shaped eyes are incredibly feminine and captivating.

large almond shaped eyes have youthful thick black limbal rings.

big almond shaped eyes have flawless bright white sclera.

irises absolute beauty

eyebrows absolute beauty and match my eyes and face perfectly

eyelashes grow incredibly long with a rich dark black color.

eyelashes are distinctive and contrast my beautiful eyes almond shaped perfectly.

large almond shaped eyes are sparkly and radiant.

big almond shaped eyes attract massive attention and desire.


double chin

Remove Double Chin




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Remove Double Chin Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, spirit, mind  to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love 


Absolute Positive expectation


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for only optimal facial fat for attractiveness and health

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for strong neck, chin, face muscles


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal and balanced facial muscles

Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal electacity of skin on chin 


Optimal fat layers and structure on face and chin for attractiveness and health


Optimal elasticity of skin on face for attractiveness and health


Optimal elasticity of skin under chin for optimal attractiveness and youthfulness


Optimal  muscles neck and chin muscles for optimal attractiveness and health


Perfectly sculpted and youthful neck and chin for beauty and attractiveness 


Absolute gratitude for perfect chin and neck 


Absolute love for perfect chin and neck


Slender  face chin neck

Face Adipocytes  responding to the energy and demands in this track

Chin and neck Adipocytes responding to the energy and demands in this track


Jawline Adipocytes responding to energy and demands in this track

Slender and attractive neck


Slender and attractive face 


Slender and attractive chin and under chin

face always stays slender no matter what you eat.

Chin  and under chin always stays  slender no matter what you eat.

Jawline always stays  slender no matter what you eat.

Neck stays slender no matter what you eat.


Optimal adrenal gland function


 Repulsed by eating excessive saturated food foods


Repulsed by foods that are high trans fatty acids, cholesterol and unhealthy sugars. 


Immune to foods that are high in saturated fat (excess), trans fatty acids, cholesterol and unhealthy sugars. 


Optimally hydrated


Immune to alcohol effects on face 


Optimal thyroid hormones in the body



Submental fat on face and chin

Retained water 

 bloating in face

Excess water stored in face



Extra layer of fat beneath the chin 

Double chin 

Loose skin from aging face or under chin

Any of the following that cause face fat storage:
Kidney disorders, sinus infections, allergic responses to medications or insect bites, mumps, dental infection, inflammation of the parotid glands, nephritic syndrome, edema, a.

Genetics that cause double chin or face fat

Extra fat deposits on face

Harmful effects of excess cortisol


Excess fat from  cheeks
Excess fat from above eyes.
Excess fat from the sides of face.
Excess fat from the center of face.
Excess fat from jawline.
Perfectly chiseled well-defined jawline.
Excess fat from chin.
Excess fat from my neck.
Excess fat from under chin



Ultimate Facelift




Your updated Burntrack info:


These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!


Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime!

Ultimate Facelift Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Supernatural youthful skin 


Skin immune to wrinkles and crease lines


Supernatural youthfulness 


Skin DNA genetic code and imprints for supernatural youthfulness


Skin DNA genetic code imprints for ageless and perfect youthfulness

Perfect ageless youth.

Skin absolute resistant to gravity and stress.


Supernaturally rejuvenated skin 


Supernaturally restored skin


Optimal circulation and nutrition to face


Optimal collagen and elastin in skin 


Optimal amount of fat on face for supernatural health and beauty

Optimal skin tone 


Optimal skin elasticity

Optimal amounts of melanin for supernatural beauty and health

Optimal function of pituitary gland for perfect youthfulness face and skin 

Optimal function of thyroid gland for perfect youthfulness to face and skin

Optimal function of hypothalamus for perfect youthfulness of face and skin


Immune to stress and inflammation


Immune to aging past perfect youthfulness age 

Supernaturally Perfect attractive youthfulness

Optimal tone of facial muscles and tissue for supernatural beauty


Optimal tone of facial muscles and tissue for supernatural youthfulness


Optimal tone of neck muscles and tissue for supernatural beauty


Optimal tone of neck muscles and tissue for supernatural youthfulness

Perpetual rested and youthful appearance


Optimal youthful and supernaturally attractive contours to face


Physical Signs of stress 

Skin damage

Signs of aging past 22 


Sagging skin

Dark circles around eyes

Drooping eyelids

Wrinkles around eyes

Wrinkles around mouth

Age spots

Darks spots

Neck wrinkles

Unhealthy fat on face


Laugh lines


Excess melanin



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