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Exclusive Offerings





Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Teleportation Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Absolute positive expectation


Absolute ability to teleport 


Absolute mastery over teleportation


Absolute teleportation by method safest to you


Absolute teleportation method safest to time space continuum


Absolute teleportation safest in all aspects


Ability to teleport absolutely unlocked 


Optimal DNA coding and imprinting for optimal teleportation
(you already have this but encase its damaged) 


If teleportation by portal is safest and most optimal it will be

dominant method:

Absolute ability to create seamless portal for teleportation


Absolute ability to create portal without disturbing time negatively


Absolute ability to create portal without disturbing space negatively 


Absolute ability to create portal without leaving disruptive imprint

in time and space


Absolute ability to travel safely to teleport destination 


Absolute ability to teleport with other beings safely 


Absolute ability to teleport with other objects safely


Absolute comfort when teleporting 


Absolute luck to appear in safe location unharmed and unnoticed


Absolute luck for all teleportation matters


Supernatural charisma - if anyone sees you it will enable you to easily get out of it. 


Absolute courage -without fear you cannot be hurt


Absolute persuasion  -  only for safety of teleportation travel


Absolute ability to reach desired destination instantly 


Absolute ability to “visualize” destination and appear there 


Absolute ability to teleport to destination even with only one sense
(if smell is your strongest use smell, if touch is, feel the

ground under your feet etc)


Absolute intuition on how to teleport 


Absolute intuition on how to visualize with one or all senses to destination
(do not see yourself there like a movie, see/feel it as if you are there- 

destination ground under your feet, new smells of your destination,

new sights of your destination etc) 


Absolute ability to choose between teleportation or bilocatation 


Absolute ability to teleport entire 3D body and entire energetic body
(most people start with etheric body) 


Absolute ability to teleport without detection 


All AI interference with teleportation

All interference with teleportation 

Anything blocking teleportation

Any beliefs about not being able to teleport

Any effect from dimensions where you cant teleport

All fears of teleportation

All false memories of not having teleportation abilities

All contracts, agreements, restrictions to not teleport





Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Telepathy Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-storyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, spirit, mind  to change


Absolute gratitude 


Absolute love 


Absolute Positive expectation


Unlocked natural telepathic ability


Unlock dormant DNA code for telepathic ability 


Fully express DNA coding and imprinting for telepathy 


Absolute ability to transmit information from your mind to another


Absolute ability to receive information from another mind


Absolute mastery over telepathy 


Sovereign and free from AI interfering with telepathy ability


Sovereign and free from interdimensionals interfering with telepathy ability


Sovereign and free from overlays or implants interfering with telepathy ability


Sovereign and free from any AI effect on telepathic DNA coding and imprinting 


Absolute attunement to holographic nature of the universe 


Absolute understanding of holographic nature of universe 


Absolute ability to tune into any part of the hologram at any time to gain desired knowledge 


Absolute ability to tune into hologram at any point to transmit knowledge to others


Absolute ability to read and sense thoughts of others with all 5 senses


Absolute ability to read and sense surface thoughts, deeper thoughts, authentic thoughts, and memories of others 


Absolute ability to see the thoughts of others


Absolute psychic communication ability


Absolute ability to converse with others by transmitting and receiving each other's thoughts

Absolute empathy ability


Absolute ability to interpret others emotions 


Absolute understanding telepathy is not restricted by distance or time


Absolute understanding telepathy is not restricted by how complex thoughts are


Absolute ability to use all telepathatic skills easily while doing other tasks

Pain immunity from anyone connecting to 



Any lockdowns on DNA coding for telepathy

Any overlays preventing expression of telepathy

Any AI manipulation preventing expression of telepathy

Any data about not doing telepathy long distance

Any data about not being able to do telepathy

Any illusions about not having the ability of telepathy

Any illusions humans don't have telepathy ability


Note: for more information on the holographic universe theory, please research greg braden


Master your powers

*Suggested burntrack for all abilities.

master powers.jpg


Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Master your Powers Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Developed and mastered my supernatural powers and abilities.


Developed and mastered natural abilities and superpowers

Developed and mastered superpowers from subliminals in playlist and burn tracks


Aware of my potential 


Achieved my potential

Complete attunement with my  intuition


Complete knowledge from intuition on usage of supernatural abilities


Complete control over my supernatural abilities


Complete instinctive control over supernatural abilities


Complete ability to tap into the infinite power of my mind to achieve amazing feats with my supernatural abilities


Complete control of the expression of powers at every stage of manifestation


Complete gratitude for my supernatural abilities learned from subs or burn tracks


Complete gratitude for my natural abilities that are now unlocked and manifested


Complete love for my supernatural abilities learned from subs or burn tracks


Complete love for my natural abilities


Complete mastery of the mind


Complete mastery of the conscious mind and subconscious mind


Complete knowledge of how the subconscious and conscious mind operate


Complete respect and gratitude for how the subconscious and conscious mind operate


Complete knowledge and acceptance that my mind has infinite ability to accomplish any desire or feat I choose

Complete respect and gratitude that my mind has infinite ability to accomplish any desire or feat I choose


Complete ability to accomplish anything with my mind


Complete power mastery over all supernatural powers learned from subs or burn tracks


Complete power mastery over all supernatural powers that are innate 

Accomplish all I desire from unleashed supernatural power


Natural ability to control all supernatural powers

The knowledge and instinct of how to use my powers is innate and infinite 


Complete knowledge I am a hologram of the universe


Complete knowledge being a hologram means all powers of the universe are within me

Complete mastery of all powers within me

Master supernatural powers immediately and easily

Supernatural intuition sense

Complete understanding I have infinite consciousness


Complete understanding infinite consciousness allows me to develop all powers with unlimited scope


Complete understanding infinite consciousness allows me to have full mastery of these powers instantly 


Achieved highest level of consciousness 


Wield powers with grace and ease


Wield powers for highest good of all





Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Telekinesis Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)


old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality

that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


(sorry, forgive, love, thank you) 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Absolute positive expectation


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute gratitude


Absolute love


Telekinesis unlocked


Absolute intuition on how to use telekinesis


 master of telekinesis


Absolute ability to use the most natural form of telekinesis


Absolute ability to move objects with your mind 


Absolute ability to move objects with mind not correlated to object mass 


Absolute ability to move any object with mind regardless of mass with no effort


Absolute ability to move cells and atoms with mind effortlessly


Absolute ability to move subatomic matter with mind 


Absolute ability to manipulate matter at molecular level


DNA optimal coding and imprinting to master telekinesis


Absolute ability to move own body with mind 


Absolute ability to use telekinesis to fly 


Absolute intuition on  how to use telekinesis to fly 


Absolute ability to fly without controlling atoms and air pressure

(avoids geographical changes that could cause issues)


Absolute ability to fly purely from power of mind, ability to move objects, telekinesis


Absolute intuition on best telekinesis techniques to use


Master of remote telekinesis

Absolute preparedness to be a master of telekinesis on all levels


Absolute instinct and wisdom on how to using telekinesis safely and optimally


Absolute ability to handle having a superpower emotionally


Absolute ability to handle having a superpower physically


Absolute ability to handle having a superpower spiritually 


Absolute ability to handle having a superpower mentally 


Absolute ability to act on inspired thought when using superpower (not old data, old habits, old beliefs that were conditioned) 


Blockages to be master telekinesis

Any DNA coding or imprinting that would prevent master telekinesis

Any past life or present life trauma that would prevent 

Any old data that would prevent 

Any beliefs that would prevent 

Any time tracks that would prevent 

Any dimensions in which not a master of telekinesis 

Anything that says you need the opposite force pushing on you when using telekinesis

Anything that says you have to manipulate gravitational fields to use telekinesis

Absolute Victory


*Suggested for all burntrack users



Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

Donate anytime! 

Absolute Victory Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body, mind, and spirit to change


Absolute readiness for change


Absolute ability to integrate necessary changes


Absolute permission and harmony with body to change


Absolute love


Absolute gratitude


Absolute positive expectation


Absolute victory 


Absolute victory in all that I do.

Absolute victory in all that I am. 


Absolute victory in all micro goals


Absolute victory in all macro goals 


Absolute clarity on all micro goals


Absolute clarity on all macro goals 


Absolute clarity on milestones to achieve goals


Absolute determination to achieve goals


Absolute perseverance to achieve goals


Absolute patience to achieve goals

Love being victorious


Absolute love of goals


Absolute gratitude for each goal accomplished


Perfect Organization


Absolute Self belief 


Absolute self- love 


Absolute self-respect 


Absolute motivation


Absolute self worth


Absolute love of life


Absolute awareness of self-worth


Absolute Belief in abilities


Absolute Belief in ability to change


Absolute Belief in potential to be epic 


Absolute energy


Absolute drive


Absolute courage


Absolute ambition


Absolute belief in success 


Absolute success


Absolute confidence


Absolute alignment with goals 


Absolute alignment with higher self and inner truth 


Absolute victory in money goals 


Absolute victory in spiritual goals


Absolute victory in personal goals


Absolute victory in transformation goals





Self doubt




Low self-esteem


Break Free

*Suggested for all burntrack users

break free.jpg


Your updated Burntrack Info:

These are the most powerful versions of burntracks to date. 
They are also the first silent burntracks that are also fully powered. 

The directions are as follows: 

1. Redownload tracks as much as possible for fresh energy. The most efficient is once a day. 

2. Play passively as much as you can all day and night. You may also add in some meditation time with the track but it no essential. 

3. You must use the "Break Free" track as well. It is the AI removal and Golden Ratio tracks all combined. 

4. If you can play two tracks at once then play both continuously. If not, play the 'break free' track for a few hours in the morning and then move to the Teleportation track. 


5. Since it is silent you can experiment with actually putting the earbuds in your ears. Users are agreeing it feels more po

werful this way!

Already have the track and love your results? 

AI & Negative Influence removal & Golden Ratio

Break free Burnlines

(directions given to the phoenix force)

This is a combination of four tracks: 
1. AI and all negative influences removal track


And this trio we have been calling the Golden Ratio:

2. Absolute Oneness track

3. Clearing track


4. Absolute belief track

old beliefs, data, constructs, time tracks, contracts, dimensions, fears, doubts, traumas, DNA, genes are deleted, un-created, and de-stroyed in all space, time, and reality
that would prevent any of the following positive goals in the burn list from happening:


In essence, the lines you read are what will manifest. 


Absolute oneness 

Absolute oneness with all desires 

Ability and awareness to recognize oneness with all things

Absolute belief in self 

All AI 
All implants, plugins, inauthentic parts, false programming, AI technology or manipulation
Contracts and agreements made under duress, copies of contracts
Others people's karma they placed on you, your negative karma, other peoples negative thoughts about you and your own

Curses, entities or anything that negatively affects you



Donate anytime! 

Superpowers program intro


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This program includes: 

*The strongest Break Free track


*The strongest Master your Powers track


*The strongest Absolute Victory track 

*And the strongest version of the specific ability you are working on track 


*4 private sessions focused on your specific goals. Each session runs over an hour.

* 4 weeks of personalized feedback for you and your journey. This includes giving more free track or sessions if you get stuck on something unexpectedly.




The sample size is small. But, so far, the people who follow through with consistent track use AND personalized, full, hour plus sessions always get their desired results. 

This still isn't a guarantee as we don't have a large enough number doing this to make promises. 

But, it was my motivation towards moving away from just tracks and into programs where we combine the tracks with personal full length sessions, focused just on you! 

Understanding Pricing and advantages: 

The minimum donation for this program is 110$ 

1 session is 60$. 
So, 4 sessions would normally be 240$ 

The average track sale is 40$
So, all 4 tracks would be 160$ 

Total savings with this program: 290$

superpowers program advanced


program 2.jpg

This program includes: 

*The strongest Break Free track


*The strongest Master your Powers track


*The strongest Absolute Victory track 

*And the strongest version of the specific ability you are working on track 


*8 private sessions focused on your specific goals. Each session runs over an hour.

* 8 weeks of personalized feedback for you and your journey. This includes giving more free track or sessions if you get stuck on something unexpectedly.





The sample size is small. But, so far, the people who follow through with consistent track use AND personalized, full, hour plus sessions always get their desired results. 

This still isn't a guarantee as we don't have a large enough number doing this to make promises. 

But, it was my motivation towards moving away from just tracks and into programs where we combine the tracks with personal full length sessions, focused just on you! 

Understanding Pricing and advantages: 

The minimum donation for this program is 245$ 

1 session is 60$. 
So, 8 sessions would normally be 480$ 

The average track sale is 40$
So, all 4 tracks would be 160$ 

Total savings with this program: 395$

Superpowers Program Master


program 3.jpg

This program includes: 

*The strongest Break Free track


*The strongest Master your Powers track


*The strongest Absolute Victory track 

*And the strongest version of the specific ability you are working on track 


* 6 months of limitless (within reason) private sessions focused on your specific goals. Each session runs over an hour.

* 6 months of personalized feedback for you and your journey. This includes giving more free track or sessions if you get stuck on something unexpectedly.




The sample size is small. But, so far, the people who follow through with consistent track use AND personalized, full, hour plus sessions always get their desired results. 

This still isn't a guarantee as we don't have a large enough number doing this to make promises. 

But, it was my motivation towards moving away from just tracks and into programs where we combine the tracks with personal full length sessions, focused just on you! 

Understanding Pricing and advantages: 

The minimum donation for this program is 945$ 

1 session is 60$. 
So, Even if you did only 1 session a week that is:$1,440 

The average track sale is 40$
So, all 4 tracks would be 160$ 

Total savings with this program: at least 655$

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